AWM Educational Enterprise

Istanbul Aydin University (IAU)

It is not surprising to encounter the graduates of Istanbul Aydın University, which has taken the road with the slogan of “Towards a Bright Future”, at the brightest spots of business life. Istanbul Aydın University is a city and campus university located in the center of Istanbul with its experienced academic staff who have gained a reputation for their scientific studies in our country and in the world. The first thing that will engage your attention when you step on campus is the vitality of it. Istanbul Aydın University where you can experience an activity every hour of the day, is dominated by constant energy and mobility. Having succeeded many accomplishments in spite of being young, IAU prepares its students for their dream jobs by providing free career planning service to its students and alumni. You can find yourself starring in a movie, doing a research or singing along with somebody when you visit IAU that knows the importance of practical education besides theoretical education.

Software Engineering 

The mission of Software Engineering program is to educate responsible software engineers who embrace ethical values and life-long learning and can produce effective solutions by using engineering approach, carry out studies by establishing cooperation in domestic and abroad and thus contribute to the progress of the country and public welfare

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Management Information Systems

The main purpose of our department is to train students who have management skills in producing, sharing and storing information that will improve information systems in businesses, preparing information systems that will cover all functions of the business, and managing these systems, who can adapt to today’s information technologies and can adapt to new technologies,

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 Academic courses and Theoretical Ground Courses required by international standards for the Pilotage department will be carried out at our university. Flight Trainings will be carried out by our business partner “True Course Flight Academy” Authorized Flight School by Directorate General of Civil Aviation (SHGM). Graduating students will have Bachelor’s Degree from Department of Pilotage, and Airline Commercial Pilot Licence (ATPL-A) approved

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Electrical and Electronic Engineering – Thesis

This program (in English) focuses on advanced level education for engineers for taking part in research and making contributions to research and development in the field of electrical and electronics engineering. It promotes research and development studies in the fundamental areas of electrical and electronics engineering such as communication, signal processing, automatic control, optics and

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English Language and Literature

The department of English Language and Literature provides advanced education in English Language and Literature by presenting students with contemporary methods, comparative approaches and universal perspectives in linguistics and literary studies. Our Master’s Degree program at the Social Sciences Institute at Istanbul Aydın University aims at encouraging students in acquiring critical thinking, persuasive communicative skills

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Political Science and International Relations – Thesis

The program offers PhD candidates courses on political theory, comparative politics, international relations theory, foreign policy, Research Methods and Turkish politics and Turkish foreign policy. The PhD program is designed to provide the students with the necessary theoretical and conceptual knowledge and capability and to enable the successful Phd candidates to write and defend their

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Software Engineering

The mission of software engineering program is to educate software engineers who can carry out studies by establishing cooperation in domestic and abroad and thus contribute to the development of the country and the society as well as to be able to produce effective solutions by using engineering approaches in the software life cycle, with

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