It is possible to accept the profession of Mechanical Engineering, which currently has the widest field of study in our country and in the world, as well as today’s profession as in the past. First of all, it is worth noting that the areas and topics of mechanical engineering discipline are very wide. From heating installations to nuclear power plants, from bicycles to sports cars, from washing machines to petro-chemical plants, from refrigerators to ice rinks, all topics are of interest to mechanical engineering. Design and manufacturing of machines and/or equipment for petro-chemical, food, iron and steel, shipbuilding, aerospace, automotive and textile industries; hydro-electric, nuclear and thermal power plants, air-conditioning systems are the basic functions of mechanical engineers and they take on duties R&D (research and development), operations, maintenance, production, quality control, design, project development, marketing, contracting, consulting and administrative tasks within the scope of services.