AWM Educational Enterprise

Beykoz University

Beykoz University was established in 2008 by Beykoz vocational school of logistics, the University is located on the Asian side of Istanbul in Beykoz district. Beykoz University already continues its activities in three different, modern buildings in Beykoz district, which is one of the most beautiful and historical districts of Istanbul. It includes many majors like Engineering and Architecture, Social Sciences, Management, and Administrative Sciences.

Business Administration (Non-Thesis)

The aim of Business Administration Non-Thesis Master’s Program is to train graduates who will meet the needs of qualified manpower equipped with the knowledge and skills to meet the business needs of the global world. The individuals are provided knowledge regarding marketing, sales, purchasing, finance, human resources, production management and other fields in all sectors …

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Business Administration (Thesis)

The aim of Business Administration Thesis Master’s Program is to train graduates who will meet the needs of qualified manpower equipped with the knowledge and skills to meet the business needs of the global world. In the thesis program, the student prepares the thesis by doing the thesis work under the supervision of the thesis …

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Computer Engineering (Thesis)

Computer Engineering Thesis Master’s Program aims to train researchers in this field. This field is especially important for todays world in terms of producing research outputs, because the development of high value-added products is based on research and development. It is aimed to train specialists needed in computer engineering and information technology fields.

Business Administration

The Department of Business Administration of our faculty aims to provide a modern business education with training. Our goal is to bring qualified future business managers who are equipped with modern business knowledge, aware of the ethical, social and legal responsibilities of an enterprise, investigative, open to innovations into the working life. We provid student …

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Logistics Management

The aim of this program is to provide the students a broad knowledge about issues such as accounting, finance, business, economics, management-organization, marketing and marketing strategy, market strategy and product design, production planning, material management, inventory management, storage and material handling, distribution, warehouse and warehouse management, transportation, customs clearance and insurance services, purchasing, customer service …

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International Trade and Finance

The aim of this program is to educate Individuals to produce up-to-date, innovative and creative policies, legislation and regulations, projects, solutions, strategies that are extremely important for regional prosperity, social welfare and economic growth in open economy conditions. International trade has a critical importance for all societies as the most important and rapidly growing element …

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The Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Psychology, is aimed to provide students with a curriculum that teaches basic theories, research methods and practices in the context of different sub-branches of psychology. Our main goal is to have students acquire the necessary equipment to conduct scientific research and analyze the studies in the field of …

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Political Science and International Relations

Students of Beykoz University are provided with theoretical and practical knowledge that will help them to develop their authority and skill of leadership, ethics and social responsibility, harmonious group work, access to information, critical thinking, effective and non-violent communication, social problems, to identify, analyze and produce policy, to take responsibility, social entrepreneurship, be open to …

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Computer Engineering

Beykoz University Computer Engineering Department aims to train creative computer engineers of today and tomorrow. The students of this program will be able to test, analyze and design software and hardware of computer systems as well as produce computer-based solutions on social, technological, scientific and social issues.

Industrial Engineering

The curriculum of the program is designed to train individuals that will design, organize, improve and manage integrated and complex systems including human, material, capital, energy, information and technology. In addition, the goal is to provide the students with the knowledge and skills necessary for the comprehension, design and implementation of management systems to be …

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