AWM Educational Enterprise



The M.A. program in the Department of Psychology is designed to build a strong, interdisciplinary background in theory and research in the psychological sciences.

Computer Engineering

The Department of Computer Engineering offers M.S. and Ph.D. degree programs with the possibility of specialization in different areas of research in computer engineering

Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Graduate programs focus on those fields which are heavily in demand worldwide. Current research areas are signal and image processing, electronics, optics, acoustics, electromagnetics, nanotechnology, robotics, telecommunications and networks, biomedical engineering, neuroscience, and system and control theory. The department emphasizes research with the support of excellent laboratories, computing facilities, and libraries.

Industrial Engineering

The overall objective of the graduate programs in the department is to conduct fundamental research in industrial engineering and operations research in accordance with scientific and technological developments, and to provide the students with a strong analytical basis for advanced theoretical work or for development of new approaches to applications.


The Mechanical Engineering Department has strong research expertise in the areas of Acoustics and Noise Control, Computational Mechanics, Design, Dynamics and Control, Manufacturing, Microfluidics, Nanotechnology and Tribology and their applications to the aerospace, automotive and other industrial sectors.


The Department of Archaeology offers a graduate program leading to the M.A. degree. The program focuses on the archaeology and art of Anatolia from the Prehistoric to the Medieval period, within its Mediterranean and Near Eastern context


 The graduate program invites students who would like to excel in using current technologies in design and broaden ways of creative thinking.

Media and Visual Studies

The M.A. program aims to prepare students for careers in the media and communications sector as well as academic careers. It provides students with a sophisticated conceptual framework and analytical skills to enable them to make original contributions to media, visual and cultural studies by specializing in a particular aspect of Turkish or international media …

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Interior Architecture and Environmental Design

The Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design offers M.F.A. program with the possibility of specialization in building science, history, theory and criticism, design theories and methods, and environmental psychology.

Master of Business Administration

The MBA program aims to foster the education of proficient managers and executives who can effectively recognize and “manage” the challenges presented by a continuously changing business environment.